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SEOpen Icon Design Contest

This contest has concluded, big thanks to everyone who participated. You can see the entrys and winner here.

Old and busted SEOpen Firefox Extension IconThe SEOpen Firefox Extension icon-logo is pretty lame. I designed it using The GIMP in about 10 minutes because I didn't like the default "puzzle piece" icon. The icon I'm talking about is the one seen in the Extensions menu, as seen on the right.

So I'd like to see a new one, but I'm almost as bad at graphic design as I am at Firefox extension development (stop nodding your head, that was a joke). If you'd like to help me out and create a new icon, I'd be forever in your debt.

Here's the deal:

I think that about covers it. If there are any questions or comments about this contenst, please post them to the thread mentioned in the rules. I'm not planning on changing the rules, but reserve the right to do so before the deadline in case something unexpected happens. © 2005 Damian Smith. Wherever possible, this site's content is released under this Creative Commons License.